Welby Instant Pain Relief - Aldi

  • Wire-free
  • Reusable
  • Prescription strength
  • Not available in all locations
  • Product Code: 52041
  • Welby Instant Pain Relief - Aldi


  1. Anonymous06:53

    Need more info on how this works. Does it stick on? Is it a hot or cold pain reliever or something else? What are the measurements of it? If reusable, how is it rejuvenated?

  2. Anonymous09:08

    It works great!
    It comes with a set of self adhesive gel pads that attach to the device and the to your skin. If you apply to clean, dry skin and place the protective plastic back over the gel when you are done, the pads can be used over and over. They will eventually wear out and you will need to purchase another set. A card is included to purchase 3 sets for about $20 with shipping.
    The device is battery operated and has 15 settings which uses electrical impulses to stimulate the muscles beneath the device/gel pads. One session usually lasts about 15-20 minutes and cycles through various pulses. Most feel like vibrations but a few also feel like pin pricks which can grab your attention if you have the setting too high.
    I've recently been having lower back pain and this has helped remarkably to relieve the discomfort through out the day and it cost a lot less then the other $50-$60+ models on the market. For the price I figured what the heck and haven't regretted it yet.
